Model Railroad
The Model Railroad activity focuses on learning how to create or modify and then
use a model railroad layout. It meets at a member’s house and then splits up tasks to
do to improve the layout, which may be just starting or further along. So, anyone that likes any aspect of building a model railroad layout can find something to do. Or you might be able to just run the train around the layout (one of my favorite things to
As an example, see the layout below which is in the Chairman’s garage. It consists of an outer loop and an inner figure 8. He is changing the upper left quadrant. The first thing he is planning to do is changing the track crossing to an overpass. He has some stuff to use to support the track as it goes up and down, and putting it in place is what he is spending some time on. And he plans on adding hills around it so that the raised track is some combo of canyon and hillside. And the outer loop will be under a mountain, he plans to build a tunnel.
We have some experienced model railroaders interested in this group and some beginners wondering whether or not this will pique their interest. Come and join us.
To join us, contact the activity chair to get time, date, and location of next meeting.
Chairman – Rich Knowles
(925) 681-9191
Scroll down to see event reports and photos
updated 6/03/2024 – MLF