Explore and Eat


Chairman: Ron Woods

Day at the Races  –  Friday, October 20th 
Please bring your spouse or significant other and join us for another Multi-Branch Day at the Races.  We meet in the Golden Gate Fields Turf Club at 11:30am.  $41 per person cost covers valet parking, admission and program, delicious buffet lunch, and the races.  
Directions: From Highway 80 in Albany, take Gilman Exit towards the Bay.  Proceed around the back to Valet Parking.  
Registration and Contact Information   Register with Ron Woods. email, shepwoods@comcast.net   Tel: 925-930-9194.
Please let Ron Woods know ASAP, but no later than Thursday, October 12th.   Ron will also be taking registrations at the October luncheon on October 9th.  Make checks payable to ‘Ron Woods’.   Looking forward to seeing you  !  !  


Chairman Ron Woods 930-9194 shepwood@comcast.net


Explore and Eat is an activity that is open to all Branch 8 SIRs and their significant others whereby we search out those hidden gems and unique places in the Bay Area to investigate in more detail as to just what makes them so special.

There are several criteria that go into the selection of a site:

  • First of all, it must be accessible by private car or public transportation.
  • Second, it should fall within the geography of Santa Rosa to the north, Fairfield to the east, and San Jose to the south.
  • Third, it must be able to handle a group of 30 to 40 and provide a docent or tour leader to add more insight.
  • Fourth, the activity should not be too strenuous and should be of 60 to 90 minutes in duration.
  • Finally, there must be a restaurant or eating establishment nearby where the group can enjoy a quality lunch at a reasonable price.

Depending on availability, Explore and Eat will usually take place on the fourth Friday of the month.

2015 History Report

updated 2/19/2016 ds