Community OutreachJoin your fellow SIR Branch 8 members in the Community Outreach-SIR Giving Back program / activities. Participate when you can, in assisting, while supporting our communities, SIR Giving Back gives you that opportunity! The Community Outreach-SIR Giving Back activities are co-ed. Spouses, partners & significant others are encouraged to participate and sign up for any activities. If you have volunteered in an activity previously, please contact us again for the upcoming activity that you would like to participate in. “WE MAKE IT POSSIBLE “ Thanks for your efforts👍 
Chairman – Tom DiGrande tomdigrande@comcast.net 925-876-7851 Asst Chairman – Phil Scimonelli Rosescim@aol.com 661-917-8060 Event Reports, Schedules and photos follow: Monthly Food Bank Activities – Food Bank of Contra Costa & Solano 4010 Nelson Ave, Concord, CA 94520 Wednesday, 2/12/25 Scheduled from 1 to 3pm Minimum 15 to 20 volunteers needed😃 Mobile Pantry Distribution St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 1924 Trinity Ave. Walnut Creek, Ca 94596 Thursday, 2/20/25 9am – 12:15pm 8 volunteers needed🙂 ALL ACTIVITIES- PLEASE: No open toe shoes Masks are optional Wear your SIR Red Volunteer T Shirt Arrive 15 min prior to scheduled shift starting time👍 We will continue to provide Food Barrels 🛢for needed donations, at our scheduled January’25 luncheon. Let’s Start The New Year Off With A HughContribution Look for the SIR “Greeters”, the barrels will be near by. Your contributions are needed and appreciated.😉 SIR Branch 8 participation in the Community Outreach-SIR Giving Back program demonstrates the heart felt effort of the volunteers support for the community. “Giving Back’ doesn’t require inordinate commitments of time or talent, you can do what you want, when you can and still reap the rewards of Volunteering. To sign up contact: Tom DiGrande tomdigrande@comcast.net 925 876-7851 Phil Scimonelli rosescim@aol.com 661 917-8060